Maria Gail, Massage Therapist
1070 East Waldo Road
Belfast, Maine 04915
(207) 338-4628 by appointment
338-4628 is both my business phone and my personal cell phone. You may call this phone at reasonable times with your message and to hear my schedule of immediate openings. Sometimes I can pick up the phone, and I check my messages often.
No solicitations
Facebook page: mariagailmassage
Although I do have fb Messenger and a facebook business page, phone and text are more dependable ways to reach me.
My hours are dictated by life and by caring for my aging mom. As of this writing, appointments are most often scheduled for 8:30am, 1:00 or 1:30, and 4pm or later in the evening, all subject to change. I often have openings on the weekend. I try to list next available appointments on my voicemail, which helps with the game of voicemail-tag. If you don't hear an opening that works for you, it's still a good idea to leave a message to see what we can work out.
My office is in my home at 1070 East Waldo Road, located 3 miles from downtown Belfast. There's a white mailbox that says MASSAGE.
• See map below. • Download pdf with map and directions here.
From the traffic light in downtown Belfast:
Follow HIGH STREET north out of town (past the Colonial Theater) along the Rail Trail and river. (High St. becomes CITY POINT ROAD.)
Pass Head-of-Tide Road on your left at 2.4 m.)
At 2.5 miles from the traffic light, bear left at the Y, onto East Waldo Road. (Brooks Preservation RR cars and the Rail Trail parking are just ahead on your right. If you cross the RR tracks you've gone too far.)
My driveway is 1/2 mile up East Waldo Road, on the left. There's a white mailbox that says MASSAGE.
From Northport:
Follow Rte 1 N (pass exit for Rte 3 to Augusta)
Take exit for BELFAST/ FREEDOM/ BROOKS/ Rte 137.
At the end of exit ramp go straight for one block, then turn left on HIGH STREET.
From here it's about 2 miles to East Waldo Road. (Pass Head-of-Tide Road on your left.) Bear left at the Y, onto East Waldo Road. (Brooks Preservation RR cars and the Rail Trail parking are just ahead on your right. If you cross the RR tracks you've gone too far.)
My driveway is 1/2 mile up East Waldo Road, on the left. There's a white mailbox that says MASSAGE.
From Searsport:
Follow Rte 1 South
Cross bridge over Passagassawakeag River.
Take next exit for BELFAST/ FREEDOM/ BROOKS/ Rte 137. At the end of exit ramp, turn left on HIGH STREET.
From here it's 1.8 miles to East Waldo Road. (Pass Head-of-Tide Road on your left.) Bear left at the Y, onto East Waldo Road. (Brooks Preservation RR cars and the Rail Trail parking are just ahead on your right. If you cross the RR tracks you've gone too far.)
My driveway is 1/2 mile up, on the left. There's a white mailbox that says MASSAGE.
Map to Maria Gail Massage, 1070 East Waldo Road, Belfast, Maine